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Comments・Requests・Support Messages
- ・Your comments, requests, and support messages are warmly welcomed.
- ・To energize our operations and development teams, your support messages may be made public, both internally and externally, while excluding any personally identifiable information.
- ・Please limit your text to 1200 characters.
- ・Please understand that we do not offer a response to your submitted content.
- ・If you need a reply, please send your inquiry via the「Support Form」.
- ・Do not include personal information such as your name, address, phone number, or password.
- ・Additionally, we do not consider product ideas or suggestions from the public.
- ・So please note that we do not assume any obligation or responsibility for proposals submitted.
- ・If your inquiry contains excessive demands or malicious complaints, we may take appropriate action by contacting the police or lawyers.