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About responses

  • Please kindly understand that our response may be delayed depending on its content and situation.
    ※ We may not reply to every inquiries due to the management reasons
    ※ Our reply will be delayed during the weekends, holidays, our leaving periods and especially when we need a specific investigation
    ※ Please understand that after our days off, we may be extremely busy, so that our reply will require more time
  • We don't answer to questions about game tips, walk-through methods, and game specification.
  • We do NOT permit the second use or any purpose use of our reply
  • If you have spam filter setting, please add the following domain as an exception to the filter: []
  • If your e-mail address contains symbols such as [..] or [+] and so on, we may not receive your inquiry correctly. Please try to use another e-mail address with that case.
  • For information about how we use your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy.(Privacy Policy)
  • There is a possibility that we may share the email address which is used for sending inquiries to our group companies.This is in order for us to process your request.
  • Please refrain from entering your personal information to the Support Form such as your name, address and telephone number, etc.
  • Please be aware that in the event an inquiry contains unreasonable demands or malicious complaints, we reserve the right to refuse correspondence. If we determine a message to be malicious, we may contact the authorities or legal counsel before taking appropriate action.
※Please refrain from engaging in any misconduct.

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